FAQ – Answer 2

FAQ-Answer 1

FAQ – Answer 2

Whilst the Ewing Foundation Team’s remit is to support professionals, we fully support the principle that ‘Parents hold key information and have a critical role to play in their children’s education.’ (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice; DfES/581/2001. Our work supports families directly and indirectly in several ways:

  • We collaborate with other organisations such as DELTA and NDCS to provide information and advice at family-centred conferences and events.
  • We accept invitations to speak to parents’ and support groups.
  • Early Support training programmes are delivered to multi-agency groups, with parents being important participants and speakers. Training on the use of the Monitoring Protocol for Deaf Children is particularly relevant.
  • The training and support provided to professionals such as Teachers of the Deaf and Teaching Assistants enables them to work more effectively with families.
  • Occasionally we work directly with a family with the knowledge and approval of the local advisory service. We may also be approached by families of children attending independent schools not supported by a local authority service for deaf children

Families are welcome to browse this website and discuss its contents with the professionals supporting them and their child.