Contributing to Design
Over the years, designers, manufacturers and suppliers of specialist equipment have called upon the wide technical and practical experience of our Technology Consultants when developing or updating their products. Some of the suggestions and ideas put forward by our Technology Consultants have been adopted and proven beneficial.
The Variable Attenuator
In response to the development of high-powered hearing aids with little or no manual control of volume, a variable attenuator with a stetoclip (listening stick – image right) was developed. This is now readily available and forms a basic part of the Teacher of the Deaf toolkit. Find out more.
Bath and Harris test rod for bone anchored hearing aids (BAHAs)
This innovative rod allows users to monitor their bone anchored hearing aids. Our Technology Consultant Paul Harris has worked with audiology supplier Graham Bath to create the rod for use with a single test rod adaptation. It is compatible with both the Oticon Medical and Cochlear BAHAs. Find out more.
Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha®) Listener.
Recognising the need to monitor Baha® and Baha® plus FM combinations, a simple device was developed to allow a normally-hearing person to listen in to the output. This enables them to make a subjective assessment as to the quality of sound and the efficacy of any radio aid system connected to it. The device is now available. Find out more.
Speech in Noise Toolkit
The Speech in Noise Toolkit was designed collaboratively by Ewing Foundation and Connevans Ltd. It plays pre-recorded sound through the user’s own device (computer, tablet, smart phone) and includes all equipment needed to carry out accurate and repeatable speech in noise tests for pupils of all ages. Please contact us to find out more.