
Bite-size training Autumn 2024

Get the new academic year off to a great start with Ewing Foundation’s free online breakfast bite-size training.

Thursday 12th September Target Setting, 8.30 – 9am: Following on from the language assessments we discussed last year, many Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People have asked that we look at target setting for deaf children. This 30 minute session will look at what constitutes a SMART target, unpicks confusion between targets and strategies and will then look at how we should use assessment data to inform our target setting, in order to maximise deaf learners’ outcomes.

Click here to book your free place at the Target Setting bite-size.

We look forward to welcoming you to our first free bite-size of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Details of further courses this Autumn to follow shortly. Please email if you would like to be notified of further bite-size dates as they are released.