Supporting you with strategies to develop and extend good practice in the classroom.



Providing you with impartial advice on how to choose, use and maintain hearing technology.



Offering you courses and training opportunities for groups and individuals.



Supplying you with products to support your work with deaf children.



Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week 2024

This year, Deaf Awareness Week, the annual campaign to highlight the experiences of deaf people, takes place from 6th to 12th May. At Ewing Foundation, we have been helping deaf children and young people and their teachers for over 70 years. Find out more about our services to support you in the classroom. In addition…


Speakers and exhibitors announced for London conference

We are delighted to confirm speakers and exhibitors for our ‘Working with deaf children and young people with additional or complex needs’ conference in London on 12th June 2024. The one-day event will take place at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), a short walk from Kings Cross and St Pancras Stations, and overlooking the Regents Canal. All…


Vibrotactile Conference at Seashell Trust

Ewing Foundation, Seashell Trust and The University of Manchester are proud to announce a conference dedicated to vibrotactile technology on Thursday 24th October 2024. This one-day event, which will take place at Seashell Trust, south Manchester, will be an opportunity to discover the latest innovative practices in haptic technology from across the world. International speakers,…


Future Proof in Manchester

Thank you to Helen and Lindsey in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester for inviting us to exhibit at their fantastic Future Proof conference this month. The event provided a valuable opportunity to learn about the new Mandatory Qualification for trainee Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (ToDs).…


Teaching deaf children through speaking and listening

This summer, Mary Hare School will be holding a conference at their Arlington Arts Centre in Newbury. The event, which takes place on Saturday 29th June, is titled ‘Teaching deaf children through speaking and listening: a one-day conference examining practical approaches to oral education’. The programme for the day includes speakers and group sessions covering…


London conference – SOLD OUT

We are busy preparing for our ‘Working with deaf children and young people with additional or complex needs’ conference in London on 12th June 2024. The one-day event will take place at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). The NCVO’s offices are a short walk from Kings Cross and St Pancras Stations, and overlook the…


World Hearing Day 2024

Sunday 3rd March is World Hearing Day! Led by the World Health Organisation (WHO), this global advocacy event calls for action to address hearing loss and related issues. Its aim is to raise awareness of hearing loss and promote hearing care across the world. The theme for 2024 is: ‘Changing mindsets. Let’s make ear and…


Vote for hearing dog Gordon in Hero Dog Awards

A much-loved hearing dog called Gordon has been nominated in this year’s Crufts Kennel Club Hero Dog awards! Gordon belongs to Elyana, 12, who is profoundly deaf. Gordon helps Elyana with practical tasks and also provides emotional support: ‘Gordon gives me a sense of comfort and just makes me happy,’ says Elyana. Her mum Silvie…


International Cochlear Implant Day 2024

Sunday 25th February marks International Cochlear Implant Day (ICID), a global campaign to raise awareness of cochlear implants. A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device designed to produce hearing sensations in a person who has severe to profound hearing loss. The cochlear implant works by stimulating nerves within the person’s inner ear. ICID is…



We are a national charity, promoting inclusion and achievement for deaf children through listening and speaking. Our team of Education Advisors and Technology Consultants support professionals in acquiring the skills and confidence needed to help deaf children use their residual hearing, access technology and develop natural spoken language. We work with teaching staff, schools, services and resource bases. Please browse our pages to learn more about the Ewing Foundation, our work and how to contact us.

Due to charitable support, we are able to offer our services at a subsidised rate. If you can support us with a gift, please click here. Thank you.

Our history

Ewing Foundation was established by construction businessman Malcolm McAlpine and his wife Sheila in 1952. We are named after the eminent audiologists Sir Alexander and Lady Irene Ewing. The Ewings were of enormous help to the McAlpines when their eldest son was born profoundly deaf in 1944.

The McAlpines established and supported the foundation so that other deaf children and families could benefit from the expertise and legacy of the Ewings. The charity is now chaired by their youngest son Hamish.

‘The Ewings were ambassadors who made a difference,’ says Professor Kevin Munro, Ewing Professor of Audiology at University of Manchester. ‘They recognised the importance of early identification and intervention, and of early involvement of the family. They were hugely influential and their impact is recognised throughout the world.’

Today, our team of Education Advisors and Technology Consultants work with deaf children and their teachers in the classroom. We ensure that hearing technology is working correctly, and that students and teachers can communicate effectively with one another. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Find out more about Ewing Foundation’s work and origins at The University of Manchester: