Our wonderful Education Advisor Joyce Sewell-Rutter has retired after twenty years with the Ewing Foundation and an incredible fifty years in deaf education.
Colleagues gathered to celebrate her achievements and to wish her well for her next adventures, all the while reminding her that, as a lifelong member of the Ewing Foundation family, she is duty-bound to remain in touch.
Over the years, Joyce has supported countless education professionals in their work with deaf children and young people. She has also mentored our Con Powell Memorial Scholars, helping teachers to train to become Qualified Teachers of the Deaf (QToDs).
Joyce was one of the founders of our Greater London Affiliation for Deaf Education (GLADE), a group that seeks to inform and connect deaf education professionals. As facilitator of The Burwood Park Foundation, she has supported deaf children with additional needs, working with the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD) to deliver special interest events on deafness and autism.
‘The Ewing Foundation has benefited greatly from Joyce’s contribution over her time as a consultant and her work as the first pioneer for Burwood Park has kept the importance of deaf children with additional difficulties at the forefront of the thinking of Trustees,’ said Trustee Lindsey Rousseau. ‘Individual children and teachers in schools, services and colleges who have had the good fortune to have worked with Joyce will miss her. Thank you Joyce. You have deserved your retirement!’
‘It has been a joy and a privilege to work for such a lovely organisation,’ said Joyce.