Our Technology Consultant Paul Harris has been involved in developing an innovative new test rod to allow users to monitor their bone anchored hearing aids (BAHAs).
For the past year, Paul has been working with audiology supplier Graham Bath to create the rod for use with a single test rod adaptation. It is compatible with both the Oticon Medical and Cochlear BAHAs.
Known colloquially as ‘the glowstick’, pre-orders for the first batch of the Bath and Harris Test Rod (BHTR) can be placed with Rubi Audiology from September 2022. Sensory teams will also be able to obtain their own BHTR through the Ewing Foundation.
‘There are many advantages to using our BHTR,’ says Paul. ‘It is affordable, easy to hold, easy to clean, and, because of its additional length, can be positioned close to the ear canal for better clarity and reduced acoustic feedback.’ He also notes that the BHTR’s bright colour makes it difficult to lose!
The first batch of BHTR retail at £38.90 each. We are delighted that £1 from the sale of every BHTR will be donated to the Ewing Foundation to support our work with deaf children and young people and their teachers.
Thank you Paul and Graham for all your hard work in developing this innovation for the benefit of people who wear BAHAs. Please contact us if you have any questions.