
Breakfast bite-size training for early 2024

Get some knowledge with your porridge with our breakfast bite-size training! Following the success of our events last autumn, our team of Education Advisors are pleased to announce four more dates to help you get the New Year off to a great start.

Each online session includes an introduction to the topic, time for discussion and a summary to take away. These sessions are all  free of charge and will provide you with a great opportunity to network and share good practice.

The four training opportunities for early 2024 are:

Thursday 1st February 2024, 8.30-9am – An introduction to PLS-5
For teachers of the deaf who are not familiar with the PLS-5 Language assessment, this session will give an overview of the PLS-5 and its potential for assessing the language of deaf children from the age of 0 to 7 years.

Thursday 22nd February 2024, 8.30-9.00am – The new Area SEND Inspection Framework: a recent ‘lived’ experience of a Team Leader for Deaf and Hearing support. A Qualified Teacher of the Deaf (QToD) and Team Leader discusses her recent three week Area SEND Inspection experience; the information requested by inspectors, key lines of enquiry and how she prepared for the interview. This session will give you an overview of the process and will support your own preparation for Area SEND Inspection.

Thursday 14th March 2024, 8.30-9.00am – Making the most of the Ling sounds 
There is a wealth of information and resources available to support completion of the Ling 6 sound check. This session will start to unpick what we need in our toolkit to best complete the Ling sound check at different ages and stages.

Thursday 21st March from 8.30-9am  An overview of the CELF-5 language assessment with particular reference to assessing Pragmatic Skills  Following  the bite-size PLS assessment, which can be used to assess deaf children’s language from age 0 years to 7 years and 11 months, this bite-size will look at the potential for using the CELF-5  to assess the language of deaf learners from age 5 years to 21 years. The CELF-5 allows us to assess deaf learners’ language holistically giving an overview of areas of strength and challenge. The updated CELF-5 has two additional sections to assess deaf learners’ pragmatics skills. The Pragmatics Profile is a checklist of speech intentions and the Pragmatics Activity Checklist provides activities to set up and use with the child, providing opportunities to observe what pragmatic skills they have and how they use these pragmatic skills. This breakfast bite-size will give an overview of the CELF, with particular reference to the assessment of deaf learners pragmatic skills.

These events have now passed. Please click here to learn about the latest learning opportunities.