Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People


Scholarships for trainee Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People 2025

Would you like to help deaf children and young people to learn and achieve at school? The British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (BATOD) is offering five scholarships for teachers to train to become Qualified Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (QToDs). The Con Powell Memorial Scholarships, named after BATOD’s…

Boy wearing hearing aid

Read about the assistive hearing technology being used by services for deaf children

A teacher, supported by both Ewing Foundation and our grant making partner Ovingdean Hall Foundation, has recently published important research exploring the assistive hearing technology used by services for deaf children. Carly Humphries, a Qualified Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People at Wandsworth Sensory Support Service, has carried out the research as part of…


Sharing research synopses

Our Education Advisor team have prepared some synopses of useful research to help you in your work with deaf children and young people. Ewing Foundation’s synopsis of ‘Home Literacy Experiences and Shared Reading Practices: Preschoolers with Hearing Loss’ by Jean L. DesJardin, Carren J. Stikka, Laurie S. Eisenberg, Karen C. Johnson, Dianne Hammes Ganguly and…


A day in the life of a Ewing Foundation Technology Consultant

Would you like to learn more about the work of our Technology Consultants? In their latest magazine, the British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (BATOD) have included an interview with our Technology Consultant, Abul Hussain. In the article, Abul talks about his day-to-day work supporting teachers and deaf children and young…


Working with deaf children and young people with additional or complex needs conference 2024

Thank you to all of the delegates, speakers and exhibitors who attended our Ewing Foundation and Burwood Park Foundation conference: ‘Working with deaf children and young people with additional or complex needs. A sharing of good practice.’ The sold-out event was a tremendous success with over 70 people attending the conference at the National Centre…


Listening to Learn

Our Education Advisor Katy Mitchell has produced a helpful guide for teachers who are supporting children with glue ear. Listening to Learn focuses on the impact of glue ear, a form of temporary hearing loss common amongst children. The guide explores interventions, symptoms, and shares tips for supporting pupils and creating a calmer classroom. Click…


Help shape future research in childhood deafness and hearing loss

Deaf children and young people, their families, and the professionals who support them, have been invited to share suggestions for childhood deafness research.  The National Deaf Children’s Society have teamed up with The University of Manchester, Aston University and Lancaster University to find out what the research priorities are in childhood deafness, according to the…