

Hearing to Succeed and Achieve

Our Education Advisor Katy Mitchell has produced a helpful and practical guide for families and early year practitioners to support young children with a hearing loss. ‘Hearing to Succeed and Achieve’ provides clear information on why so many young children have a hearing loss and the impact this has on their ability to listen to…

UK deaf children's charity Ewing Foundation for deaf children and Oticon Uk EduMic event

Oticon Study Days for Education, September and October 2023

Our Technology Consultant Paul Harris will be taking part in four Oticon UK Study Days for Education this autumn. The free events, which are aimed at teachers and education professionals, will include: Hearing aid signal processing for children Oticon hearing aid portfolio and practical aspects of hearing aids Bluetooth and wireless devices New Oticon Companion…


Training sessions launched during Deaf Awareness Week 2023

Monday 1 – Sunday 7 May marked Deaf Awareness Week, the annual campaign to highlight the experiences of deaf people. To mark this year’s Deaf Awareness Week, we launched a range of training sessions for deaf education professionals. Our bespoke and specialist training is offered by our new team of Education Advisors, who are all…


Deafness and Additional Needs Conference, 7 June 2023 – SOLD OUT

We are delighted to announce further details of our Ewing Foundation and Burwood Park Foundation Conference: ‘Working with deaf children and young people with additional or complex needs. A sharing of good practice’ This one-day event will take place at Radisson Hotel in York on 7 June 2023, from 9.15am – 4pm. The programme includes…


World Hearing Day 2023

Friday 3rd March is World Hearing Day! Led by the World Health Organisation (WHO), this global advocacy event calls for action to address hearing loss and related issues. Its aim is to raise awareness of hearing loss and promote hearing care across the world. The theme for 2023 ‘Ear and Hearing Care for all! Let’s…


International Cochlear Implant Day 2023

Friday 25 February marks International Cochlear Implant Day (ICID), a global campaign to raise awareness of cochlear implants. A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device designed to produce hearing sensations in a person who has severe to profound hearing loss. Fitted in an operation, the cochlear implant works by stimulating nerves within the person’s…


NICE recommends a genetic test that can prevent deafness in newborn babies

A genetic test to determine if a newborn baby is vulnerable to deafness if treated with a commonly used antibiotic has been recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in draft guidance. If a newborn baby develops a bacterial infection, they are often treated with Gentamicin. This antibiotic carries the risk…